Chapter 6

Step 1

Step 1

Gather and label records from the CDM Curate birth and death dates, vaccine dose Create selection criteria for study population


Contains the cleaned version of PERSONS, where birth date and death date are reconstituted as dates


Contains the deaths observed in the study population


Contains the spells exited from CreateSpells, i.e., all the continuous spells of observation period of each person, stratified per op_meaning. op_meaning is by default the same for all observation periods, and is set in 05_subpopulations_restricting_meanings for those data sources where the analysis is conducted on subpopulations having different sets of data banks


These are multiple datasets, one per each conceptset, which is a value in the list c(conceptsets_exact_matching, conceptsets_children_matching), set in 07_algorithms. Each conceptset dataset is named after the conceptset. Each conceptset is associated to a list of codes. The dataset is obtained by retrieving records from the CDM bearing a code that match one of the codes in the codelist. The matching can be exact (for the conceptsets in conceptsets_exact_matching) or per ascendant (for conceptsets in conceptsets_children_matching) . Records are retrieved from the EVENTS table, but also from other tables which may bear a record, such as PROCEDURES or VACCINES


This dataset contains all the records of a COVID vaccine, including their imputation and modifications and exclusion criteria. Exclusion criteria must be applied before using the variable in the next steps


This dataset contains only the records of a COVID vaccine that enter the study


Flowchart of the exclusion of covid vaccines records


Contains the spells exited from CreateSpells plus their binary variables that are to be used for cleaning purposes version; spells that fall outside the interval between birth and death are cut, and op_start_date that start before the baby is 60 days are recasted to birth (to be checked with DAPs)


Contains the exclusion criteria to go from PERSONS to the study population